A Weaponized Child
My parents had a plan for me and made deals regarding my future without telling me -- involving some of the darkest people and entities you can imagine.
Even now we are just finding out what these deals were about, that derailed a generation of Baby Boomers and all who came after. We were torn out of nature and the past and sold to an alien technological empire called Aerospace. Exiled from earth and our Mother and sent into outer space to be enslaved. Ripped out of Time.
Our parents having been born in an earlier era had no idea they stood on the threshhold of a poisoned world- they trusted the future to be like the past. They believed in the lies of the medical men and trusted the science they barely grasped.
"How do you tell a boy chromosome from a girl chromosome? Look up its genes."
Soon Kennedy would be shot and the Beatles would come over to save us.
We would never have lives -- they had sold us down the river -- their disappointment was heartbreaking. We had no choice but to join the Revolution.
But in my case specifically they had arranged a marriage without telling me -- expecting I would find out. Instead I landed in Voodoo Lounge -- an infinite waiting room in a haunted house run by ghosts of chaos
My mother could have said "Mike is coming to see you. He's going to ask you to marry him."
But the deal was, I was not to know until the time came.
By the time he showed up, I was well informed about him, and all the reasons why this could not be happening to "me" --
It was simply unthinkable.
In a normal world, without MKULTRA doctors operating on my brain, i would have known him and greeted him at the door like an old friend. I would have instinctively known what to say and do in response to his proposal.
But I was not living in that world. I had been thrown into an experiment. Parts of me were owned by Nazi scientists and doctors prowling the halls of a notorious mental hospital where I had spent much of my childhood and in whose hallways many pieces of me had got lost.
Sixty years later we are just starting to learn what really went on in that hospital, where all my family members were treated at one time or another. Where our lives were ended prematurely. Where murders happened and records were destroyed.
Even now almost no one is ready to know the horrific truth.
April 23 1965 : what happened that day and why it had to be erased from my memory and my family record- can be understood only by accessing and opening the files.
"You are an artificial personality" -- the doctor told me in 2007 in my dream as he emptied my Psychiatry file, tossing the pages into the shredder.
Is that the final judgment on me? Am I an experiment that had to be deleted, erasing all trace?
Is it really my life in that file? Life or file? You must choose.
A question of life and death.
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