Why Don't I Remember?

 Because I was a child when we got 'engaged' in some kind of ritual... 

Because my mother did all the arranging...

Because it was a secret...

 Because my dad probably opposed it...

Because the doctors wiped my memory...

Because my mother was much closer to his ideal woman and I was just a miniature version of her...

Because at 14 I was quite immature even for my age...

Because no one thought to ask me...

Because in the fairy tales the princess generally keeps her mouth shut but I disobeyed the rule and had to be silenced...

Because the event was so traumatic I split off and created an alter that remembered past lives while blanking out this one...

It was a classic Double Bind situation where what was said contradicted what I knew to be real. "a psychological predicament in which a person receives from a single source conflicting messages that allow no appropriate response to be made"


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